Create a Robust Business Plan: Goals, Exec Summary & More - ebusinesshelpsite
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Create a Robust Business Plan: Goals, Exec Summary & More

Introduction: What is a Business Plan?

A business plan is an essential document in creating and managing a successful business. It outlines the goals and strategies of the business, identifies the resources available for the business, and provides financial information to help secure investments. A business plan covers all aspects from marketing strategies to operational procedures and financial projections. It helps to ensure that the business is a sound investment, as well as providing a roadmap to securely guide the business’s growth.

Setting Goals for Your Business Plan

Creating a robust business plan is essential to the success and longevity of any business. The purpose of the plan is to provide direction by identifying what needs to be done and how it should be achieved. A business plan should include both tangible and intangible objectives, such as: increasing market share, customer base, and profits; establishing brand recognition; and improving customer service.

By setting measurable goals, you can track your progress and know when you have achieved success. When creating your business plan, consider the following:

  • What are the short-term and long-term goals?
  • How do you plan to achieve these goals?
  • What is the timeline for reaching each goal?

Having a clear set of goals in place will help you stay focused and reach your desired outcomes. Take the time to identify your target market and the strategies you need to employ to successfully reach them.

Executive Summary

The executive summary is a key element of any business plan and is often the first thing that potential investors will read. This section should provide an overview of the business plan and should include a concise summary of the organization’s goals, products and services, industry analysis, marketing plan, operations plan, financial plan, and risk assessment. It should also briefly touch on the target audience, planned organizational structure, and any other key insights about the company.

Business Description

Every successful business needs an understanding of its purpose and the products and services it provides. A strong business plan will include a detailed description of the organization, outlining exactly what it does, including any goods or services offered.

Having a clear understanding of your company’s purpose is essential in order to create an effective business plan. This section should explain the nature of your business, the values it stands for, the products and/or services you offer, and any special skills and/or qualifications available from the organization.

The business description should also include a brief overview of the company structure, such as sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, and corporation, to ensure that the business plan reflects the organizational structure of the business.

Industry Analysis

When creating a business plan, it is important to understand the industry and market trends that are relevant to your business. To gain a better understanding of the competitive landscape, you should analyze the industry in depth. This involves researching the current trends within the industry, as well as understanding the potential risks and opportunities that could impact the success of your business. By conducting a thorough review of the industry, you can identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and how your business will be able to stand out.

Marketing Plan

Having an effective marketing plan will help your business to reach the right people and increase sales. Your marketing activities should be tailored to your target audience and should include a mix of both online and offline strategies.

Strategies that can be employed to maximize sales and profits include:

  • Creating a customer database so you can keep track and communicate with key customers.
  • Developing a unique selling proposition that makes your products or services stand out from the competition.
  • Advertising your business through a variety of channels, such as print, television, radio, and online.
  • Optimizing your website for search engines. This will help potential customers find your business when they search for products or services like yours.
  • Developing promotional materials such as brochures, flyers, and newsletters.
  • Developing relationships and partnerships with other companies.

Having a comprehensive marketing plan in place will ensure that your business is targeting the right people, has the right message, and has the best chance of maximizing sales and profits.

Operations Plan

The operations plan is a key part of any successful business plan. It lays out the resources and processes needed to keep the business running on a daily basis. Resources include both tangible (materials, equipment, etc.) and intangible (people, skills, knowledge, etc). Processes outline the steps necessary to create, deliver, track, and monitor products and services.

When writing the operations plan, it is important to outline the specific tasks associated with each resource. This will help ensure that all resources are used efficiently and that everyone involved in the business is working towards the same goals. Additionally, planning ahead for potential risks and how to best deal with them is also essential. Identifying potential problems and having an action plan in place should they arise is paramount for any business.

Financial Plan

In order to create a robust business plan, an overview of the organization’s financials must be included. Financial statements provide details on the organization’s assets, liabilities, income, and capital requirements. These statements will help to understand the current and projected financial positions of the organization. Additionally, projections of future financial performance can be made based on the inputs provided in the financial statement.

In order to create accurate financial statements, key data such as income and expense account balances, tax returns, etc. need to be collected. This data will provide a reliable base from which to create more detailed financial plans and projections.

Understanding the financial situation of the organization is an integral part of creating a robust business plan. Financial statements show the current state of the organization and can be used to make informed decisions about its future.

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is an important part of creating a robust business plan. It allows potential problems to be identified and their impact on operations to be understood. Potential risks can arise from external threats such as changes to the market or internal factors such as personnel or technological issues. It is essential to explore potential risks and understand how they can impact performance.

When assessing risk, start by creating a list of possible threats that could negatively affect operations. Include both internal and external factors. Identify the severity of each threat and the probability of its occurrence. Once the list is complete, prioritize each risk and develop strategies to mitigate them. Developing a risk management plan ahead of time will better prepare your organization for unexpected events should they occur. It is also important to stay up to date on industry trends and closely monitor potential risks.

Organizational Structure

A well-crafted business plan should include a plan for the organization’s structure. This is important for understanding who will be responsible for different tasks and activities within the business.

The organizational structure should provide clarity on how the business is structured, from top to bottom. This delineates the chain of command and provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities of each team member.

The organizational structure must also be built to scale and flex with the changing needs of the business, both now and in the future.

Additionally, the organizational structure should account for who will be making decisions, delegating tasks, communicating with employees, and guiding the business as a whole.


A robust business plan is a vital tool for any new or existing business, providing key insights into the potential for success and identifying potential risks and challenges. By creating a detailed and comprehensive business plan, business owners can gain clarity on their goals, objectives, operations, and financial plans. It is also often necessary in order to secure financial support from investors or lenders. In conclusion, a well-crafted business plan is a valuable asset for any business.


Creating a business plan is no small feat. There is a lot of research and thought that goes into writing one properly. Fortunately, there are a number of resources available to help guide you through the process.

The US Small Business Administration (SBA) provides helpful resources on their website for those looking for more information on creating a business plan. They also offer free webinars and other programs to get entrepreneurs started.

There are also plenty of books and websites with helpful tips, tricks, and templates to get you going in no time. Some of the most popular books on the topic include “The Guide to Writing a Business Plan” by Brian Tracy and “Business Plans Kit for Dummies” by Richard Gardener.

Additionally, organizations such as Score offer mentorship from experts who can provide valuable insight and useful advice. Talking to people with business experience can be very beneficial when it comes to navigating the process of writing a business plan.

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